Presentation synopsis:
Clinical case - Integrase inhibitors for all: The end of individualised HIV therapy?
In this presentation, Jose Arribas will discuss the pros and cons of using integrase inhibitors for “universal” treatment of persons living with HIV. Even though international expert guidelines have a clear consensus on recommending integrase inhibitors as the cornerstone of ART regimens there are new data -such as weight gain and metabolic changes- that might change the risk/benefit ratio of integrase inhibitors. Besides, he would discuss other recently approved antiretrovirals and new regimens in preclinical development that might become alternatives to integrase inhibitors.
Speaker biography:
Jose Arribas, Hospital La Paz, Spain
Dr José R Arribas is currently the head of the Infectious Diseases Unit and Research Director of HIV and Infectious Diseases at La Paz Hospital, and associate professor of Medicine at the Autonoma University School of Medicine all in Madrid, Spain. Dr Arribas received his medical degree from the Complutense University School of Medicine, Madrid. Following this, he completed his residency in Internal Medicine at La Paz Hospital before going on to pursue a fellowship in Infectious Diseases at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
During his fellowship, he performed clinical research at the Washington University AIDS Clinical Trials Unit.
His research interests, including the development of new antiretrovirals and emerging infectious diseases have driven the publication of more than 350 scientific papers. Dr Arribas is a member of the GESIDA (Spanish Group for the study of AIDS) ART expert guidelines and chair of the ART panel of the EACS guidelines.