Free cookie consent management tool by TermsFeed Policy Generator PS9 - Biography Jonathan Schapiro | 19th European AIDS Conference

Presentation synopsis:

Clinical case - Instruction leaflet for interpreting resistance results before therapy start and switch.

The interaction between clinicians and technology must be approached with caution. This is true for resistance assays and their interpretation. They should never replace good clinical judgment but augment it. Resistance mutations reduce the utility of drugs, and often limit our treatment options. Interpreting this is complex, since resistance is not a yes or no phenomenon, but often a continuum where drugs having varying degrees of remaining activity. Resistance tests help us gauge a drug’s activity and compare it to our other options. The proper interpretation of these results will depend on our understanding of the context for the specific patient, as well as their preferences and wishes. I will attempt to provide some guidance in this presentation.

Speaker biography:

Jonathan Schapiro, National Hemophilia Center, Sheba Medical Center, Israel

Dr. Schapiro received his medical degree from Ben-Gurion University, and his Internship and Internal Medicine training at the Rabin Medical Center in Israel. Subsequently, he completed a Fellowship in Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine focusing on antiretroviral drug development.
His interests include resistance and cross-resistance between drugs, clinical pharmacology, associations between resistance and pharmacology, and the development of new antiretroviral agents with improved resistance and pharmacological characteristics. He continues his work on the Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database.

Dr. Schapiro has served as a member and advisor of numerous US and international HIV expert panels and working groups including the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Antiviral Drugs Advisory Committee, WHO Resistance Network, and the IAS-USA Drug Resistance Group. He currently runs the HIV/AIDS clinic at the National Hemophilia Center in Tel Aviv.


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