Presentation synopsis:
Preventable HIV-related mortality: How to define it and how to monitor it
A number of organisations including UNAIDS, the UK government and the Fast Track Cities initiative have the stated aim of reducing deaths in people with HIV. However, there are either no clear definitions attached to these aims or their ambition is limited. In this presentation, I present a consensus definition of HIV-related preventable mortality and demonstrate how this definition is being used in the UK for public health monitoring of the progress towards HIV elimination targets.
Speaker biography:
Sara Croxford, Public Health England, United Kingdom

Sara Croxford is a Principal HIV/STI Prevention and Surveillance Scientist at Public Health England. She completed her PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health at the University College London in 2020. With over ten years of experience in public health and HIV, Sara's research interests include monitoring the quality of care and outcomes among people with HIV and blood-borne virus prevention among people who inject drugs.