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Presentation synopsis:

News in HIV and women since the last European AIDS Conference in 2019 (Highlights in research)   

This presentation will focus on research in women living with HIV.  It will address pending issues regarding treatment and care of women with HIV in different stages of life, e.g. pregnancy, breastfeeding period or menopause. Results from randomised clinical trials and investigator initiated studies published since October 2019 will be discussed from a gender point of view. In addition, initiatives that have been launched to close knowledge gaps in the field of HIV and women will be introduced. The aim is to further expand and strengthen the network of female researchers across Europe.


Annette Haberl, HIVCENTER, University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany

Annette Haberl is a physician at the HIVCENTER, HIV Treatment and Clinical Research Unit, Hospital of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Clinic Frankfurt, Head of the division “HIV & Women”. From 1996-1998, she implemented a special setting for HIV treatment of intravenous drug users. In 1998, she implemented an interdisciplinary setting for the management of HIV positive pregnant women. Since 2000, she has been Chair of the annual German meeting on HIV and pregnancy. In 2009, she was Vice president of the German-Austrian-Swiss AIDS Congress (SÖDAK). Since 2012, she has been Principal investigator of the German HIV Pregnancy Registry. In 2021, she was co-chair of the International Workshop on HIV and Women.

Annette Haberl is also co-chair of the guideline group for the German-Austrian Treatment Recommendations for the treatment of HIV-positive pregnant women, member of the German ART guideline group for adults living with HIV, member of the executive committee of the German AIDS Society and member of the WAVE scientific board.


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