Presentation synopsis:
Does U equal U apply for women after all? Con
For most risk situations of HIV transmission, Undetectable = Untransmittable is now well established. Meaning the lack of HIV detection also indicates protection from infection. However, this is still unclear for HIV mother-to-child transmission. Does U = U also apply to pregnant women and women giving birth who wish to breastfeed?
In this argumentation Christian Kahlert will explain that, based on current data, U = U clearly does not apply yet to women who want to prevent HIV transmission to their child.
Christian Kahlert, Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen and Children's Hospital of Eastern Switzerland, Switzerland
Christian R. Kahlert, MD is head of Infectious Diseases at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Switzerland, having received his MD from the University of Basel, Switzerland. He has been treating patients with infectious diseases and immunodeficiencies for about 15 years, including HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children and adolescents. Christian R. Kahlert is currently involved in the design and conduct of several ongoing projects of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) including the Mother and Child Cohort (MoCHIV). He is a long-standing member of the SHCS scientific board and head of MoCHIV.
In the current pandemic, his research activities also include SARS-CoV-2 with a focus on hospital workers, the role of children and immunity. He is part of the Executive Committee of the national research programme Corona Immunitas that investigates the spread and impact of the corona pandemic in Switzerland.